im thinking of taking out my plastic drop in bedliner and putting in the duplicolor diy kit. i found some rust on my bed at the end of my bedliner today. from what i can see thats the only rust i have in my bed but thats just lifting it up. i also have some rust on my rails. so i would do over rails until the body line. should i get some por15 and paint over the rust? or just roll the bedliner on top of the rust? also from what i understand for prep i should sand with 160 grit then use acetone to clean it after sanding then do two coats. any other steps i should take. i would use duplicolor since i can get a kit for about 60 bucks and it sounds like ill like their texture better.
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You got it sane, clean with acetone or wipe it down, then 2 coats of your choice of bedliner, then let sit in sun or no rain for 14-24 hours. Make sure to do the 2 coats right after or 10 minutes after you get the 1st one done bedliner likes to harden fast.
o really? i watched a video from duplicolor and they said wait an hour to hour and a half. since duplicolor has to no recoat time. i think ill paint it then roll it into my garage since you never know with connecticut weather when its going to rain suddenly.
well i pulled up half of my bedliner today just to see what was underneath it. i found multiple tie points which im happy about because i always have trouble tieing down the kayaks. i also found that whoever dropped in my bedliner did a terrible job. i found dirt, leaves, and even a reeses wrapper under my liner. this thing has to come out asap.
I am taking mine out this coming spring. too hot to spray a bedliner on now. I am going to use Raptor spray on bedliner
i looked at raptor but i dont like how its a two part product. i like the fact that you can add more anytime since it has no recoat time. so if something happens and it gets scratched i can just repaint some on.
i didnt think about that part. hopefully i will only have the truck for less than a year so i wont really know how long it lasts. i think im going to stick with duplicolor because of the awesome deal i can get. $120 worth of stuff for $70 has me sold.
well i ran into my first problem with my bedliner. i took out the old one no problem until i went to put the screws back into the tailgate. they only go in to the threaded part once they reach that they stop. so it looks like i have to go to lowes and get some new bolts. of course one bolt went all the way through and wont come out.
any ideas on where i can get bolts to replace the ones out of the tailgate i went to lowes and couldnt find any.
well i wont be doing a bedliner im just going to keep my plastic one and bedline my rails since im going to be selling my truck.
my bedlining project is done. im overall happy with the results. pictures will be up later when i come home from work.
yea i think i might cut my tailgate plastic liner and bedline it to the body line like the tailgate. i just need to figure out what tool to use. heres a close up the texture. i like it a lot. just rough enough in my opinion.