Mr. Clean worked his magic again

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by djfllmn, Aug 12, 2013.

  1. djfllmn

    djfllmn ^^^ I am Mr. Clean!

    06 Fusion...75K miles....never was cleaned..






























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  3. buggman

    buggman Do not touch the trim!

    That sucker sure was dirty!
    Now the big question is... when are you gonna come down here & work your magic on my vehicles?
  4. OP

    djfllmn ^^^ I am Mr. Clean!

    Whenever you pay my gas lol
  5. Jon

    Jon Administrator

    What did you use to clean the engine?
  6. buggman

    buggman Do not touch the trim!

    I might have to take you up on that sometime :thumbsup:
  7. OP

    djfllmn ^^^ I am Mr. Clean!

    I'll be waiting lol
  8. OP

    djfllmn ^^^ I am Mr. Clean!

    I use decreaser, follow with a hose and then Meguiars hyper dressing
  9. Diablo

    Diablo New Member

    nice job DJ

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