I am going to need front rotors the next time I do brakes. I want to get them ahead of time. Rockauto lists various sizes. I am in my air conditioned house at the moment and feeling too lazy to go pull a wheel. It's (well it started out as) a 2003 2wd EDGE. What diameter should the rotors be? Can we create a list of Rangers and rotor sizes? Link to one already posted? Can I increase my rotor size while I am buying new ones? I figure I would also need caliper brackets etc.. THANKS
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The biggest ones you can get are the ones you have now which are 12"...... I think they are the same size from 2wd to 4wd
2003 2WD Rangers: 11.28" rotor only. 2003 4x4 Rangers: Mid-model year change from 11.28" rotor (early) to 12" (late). Steering knuckle changed to match. Some accounts put the production changeover at 3/3/2003 but there is some doubt about that date. 2WD rotors include the bearing hub, 4WD do not. They are definitely not interchangeable. AFAIK, there's no simple way to convert 2WD to 12" using factory Ranger parts. Another thing to watch for - aftermarket companies sometimes list the 11.28" rotors as 11.25" or 11 1/4". This can be true of both 2WD and 4WD.
There was once a kit to adapt 13" COBRA rotors onto 98/01+ Rangers....but the gentleman who made the caliper brackets backed out of production. But x2 on what Bob had said above in post #3. Stick with stock. There's no easy upgrades for you other than pads and rotor style (slotted, drilled + slotted, etc).