CL / ebay find: Clintons party van

Discussion in 'Ranger Forum Classifieds' started by hazard-maine, Aug 14, 2012.

  1. hazard-maine

    hazard-maine northern ranger driver

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  3. that is one big ass boat anchor hahahaha
  4. OP

    hazard-maine northern ranger driver

    hahah it could be a sick van with some work put into it
  5. 2004xlmiller

    2004xlmiller Member

    id totally rock that ****.
  6. 94xltklingler

    94xltklingler RANGER ADDICT.

    I take it this thing caught fire and that's the reason for lowering the price?
    I wonder what Clinton was doing to cause that :D
  7. breaking bad
  8. OP

    hazard-maine northern ranger driver

    who wouldnt rock that thing?
  9. Hurley

    Hurley Superultramegalurker

    Not a big fan of jacked up vans. There is one in my town that is done right but I still don't like it
  10. OP

    hazard-maine northern ranger driver

    its so that you can bring a girl or 2 ;) to a spot where no one is around and get a little lucky:thumbsup:
  11. rango88

    rango88 Chuck Norris Drove a Ram

    that's one badass kid in the pic, he must get more kitty action then some crazy cat ladies.
  12. Hooligan

    Hooligan Rangerholic!!

    Lol....It's missing the "Free Candy" sign!
  13. OP

    hazard-maine northern ranger driver

    you can always add that
  14. Hooligan

    Hooligan Rangerholic!!

    Oh I will!
  15. OP

    hazard-maine northern ranger driver

    dont forget the bench couch that folds into a bed
  16. Hooligan

    Hooligan Rangerholic!!

    Just a mattress and disco ball does the job!
  17. I figured it burnt up from the meth lab inside.
  18. Hooligan

    Hooligan Rangerholic!!

    Lol!! Yes! Rolling meth lab!!
  19. OP

    hazard-maine northern ranger driver

    bitches love couch beds
  20. after watching breaking bad hahaha
  21. 94xltklingler

    94xltklingler RANGER ADDICT.

    Haha,Hell nnaw go wayy back and throw a water bed in it.

    I always heard cougars enjoy em

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