Just like the tittle says, who gets on Rangerforums at work? I do. When the mannager is gone for the day. Which she doesn't care but I still get work done and take care of customers first before I get on here. But it mellows me out when were slow like right now.
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i probibly would if i had access to a computer. i used to surf the forums all the time in high school, i told 'em i was "researching" lol.
my question to the title and the op is who doesnt.... lol im constantly on at work and at home.... even if i dont post anythign im always checkin in to see whats going on.....
If I don't have anything to do at work, I'll jump on various forums. But if I got stuff to do, nada until it's finished.
rangerforums.net is for the Polaris Ranger lol. This is rangerforum.net. I know because I have to keep reminding myself this...