How to read door jamb sticker...

Discussion in 'General Tech' started by fomoco, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. fomoco

    fomoco Moderator

    This is located on the driver door jam.
    1. Exterior Paint Color Code
    2. Region Code
    3. Special Order Code
    4. Wheelbase Code
    5. Brakes Code
    6. Interior Trim Color Code
    7. Tape/Paint Pinstripe Code
    8. Radio Code
    9. Axle Code
    10. Transmission Code
    11. Spring Code
    not every sticker is the same layout, this is a general idea

    iinformation courtsey of franklin
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2011
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  3. Franklin

    Franklin slow as a turtle

    wonder where you got that? :)
  4. DiabloBlanco

    DiabloBlanco Those Damn Kids

    and i wonder where franklin got the idea :D
  5. Franklin

    Franklin slow as a turtle

    ^^ he's my inspiration :rockon::rockon::rockon:
  6. DiabloBlanco

    DiabloBlanco Those Damn Kids

    hahahahaha :devil2:
  7. OP

    fomoco Moderator

    i should have said i got it from franklin :)
  8. Hooligan

    Hooligan Rangerholic!!

    I still have to get used to Franklin...I'm used to Good ol Terry Duane
  9. DiabloBlanco

    DiabloBlanco Those Damn Kids

    it is weird seeing all these different names.
  10. Hooligan

    Hooligan Rangerholic!!

    Yeah....I'm getting used to it
  11. douglas8

    douglas8 New Member

    Thanks for the sharing.It is really useful.

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