Okay, so I've had my Ford Ranger XLT 2001 Manual 5spd for a little over a year now. I have recently started hearing a what initially was a squealing noise from the rear end. It developed into a clicking/slight crunch that is still from the rear end. I haven't replaced my drum brakes yet and I'm going to do that sometime soon here but if anyone has ANY idea what this could be I could really use your help. I'm just hoping its not the tranny. The truck has 197000 miles on it so I know it's going to need repairs. Please help me out though.
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Welcome To The Site. When does this clicking/crunching occur? At slow down, speeding up, corners, slow speed, high way speed, or all the time? Is it 2 or 4wd?
When it occurs. The clicking/crunching occurs when I am speeding up fairly quickly in 1, 2, and sometimes 3 gear. It's a 2wd manual. I took it to the shop we take all our vehicles to today and the guys said possibly the U-Joints. I figured it makes sense because it only happens when there is a load on the rear end/drive shaft. When they had it in the air on the lift it wasn't making the noise. What do you think? Possible U-Joints wearing out or another suggestion to look at?
Ehh...its possible for u-joints but most cases they cause a slight vibration when they go bad. One way to check yourself is to park the truck on flat with the wheels blocked and put the truck in Neutral and crawl under and move the drive shaft in a back and fourth motion to see if there is any play in the u-joints, do that at both ends of the drive shaft. It may not click since you can't put the same force on it as your motor can but you will notice any play in it. Have you checked your rear diff fluid as well to make sure the rear is full of gear oil?
Okay, so this is somewhat crazy. Anyways, I did all that you told me and I couldn't find anything that was wrong. I know the truck is gettin up there with mileage and what not so I just decided to take it through the carwash and get and undercarriage wash. Guess what...no more noise. That doesn't mean I don't expect it to come back. What I did find underneath it was my heat shield around my gas tank was a little loose. I don't really know what the noise could've been. Maybe ice/dirt/both or something. Stumps the hell out of me. We'll see what happens. But thanks for the help.
Yeah. I'm completely confused. I'll keep you update though and I do appreciate the other suggestions. I'd give it 2 weeks max and the noise will return.