i havea 06 sport 2wd and the passenger side is really sagging. is there anyway that i can level it out with the rest
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Just add it to that side lol Then save the other for when you need it. Or, you may have a busted shock or something. Check if the shock is wet with oil or any fluids (aside from water)
If you have torsion bars they vcan be adjusted, if you have coils, take a look at them, you may have broke something in there causing it to sag to one side. I dont recommend putting only 1 ad-a-leaf in or just 1 shackle to fix it. There is a problem there so be sure to look for a bad coil, or even a leaf shackle or shackle hangar being broken
First off, shocks have NOTHING to do with the height of the suspension. they are for one use only, absorbing SHOCK, hense the name. It would just be a coincidence that the shocks are bad. I suggest getting under the truck and looking at the rear suspension. I would say the shackles bad or a broken leaf. :thumbsup: Oh and the add-a-leaf suggestion.?...that would give you 2+ inches of lift on ONE side...
Well now that dont make sense at all either! Last year i put add-a-leafs in my truck cuz it leans to the left and it didnt make a difference it the height of the rear end at all the only thing it did was make the truck ride alot stiffer and ****tier! Im with the busted leaf or shackle and hanger idea tho i just got done changeing both shackles and hangers on both sides and it made a huge difference on how it sits and rides! It rides like a dod gamn caddilac for sho lol but deffinately climb underneath and see whats up something has got too be broken!
I bet you have a broken spring shackle, I have had to replace both of my rears. Speaking of rear suspension sag..... ( not to steel this thread) I now have a broken leaf in the spring pack. Anyone here replace one in the spring pack, and where would I get a single leaf ?
Best bet is get a new leaf pack, or hit a junkyard for some. If you want the rear lifted get explorer leafs and it will lift the rear pretty good
about how many inches will it lift the rear clinton? and where my truck is a 2wd xlt single cab does it matter which ones i get?
sweet cuz i gotta figure something out about this damn ranger lean..... seems like my drivers side gets lower every day...... i got maybe 4-5 inches above the tire on the drivers side and like 6-8 in the passenger side...... looks like complete **** IMHO.....