Hey guys! I got work in a few hours so I thought I would post so I can come back and see what is up tomorrow. Here's the short story. For as long as I remember I have had a problem with the check engine light turning on and reading that the engine was "too lean in ports 1 and 2". Well, finally got the money to fix the problem. Mechanic said that it had been a leak in the intake manifold (problem fixed). Well, about 1 week later after starting the truck, the check engine light came on again. This time, after taking it in and thinking the mechanic didn't fix the original problem, he came back and told me that there was now a crack in the head gasket and I was leaking radiator fluid into my engine. Haven't fixed it, because the truck has been running great and has no indication that there is a problem driving other then the engine light. Also, I have had a few people look at it and say there was no problem. Well, about 4 days ago my check engine light went off by itself. I thought, "cool". Just got home after driving it not 2 miles and the light came ON again. THe only thing that I can say I noticed was that when I turned the truck on I had the A/C on Max and the truck started to "putter" and shake a little. There is no milky looking oil on the dip stick nor frothy bubbles as someone told me to look for that to see if there was water in the engine from the anti-freeze. This is a 98' Ranger 2WD 4.0L V6 with 125,000 mi XLT class I know this story is choppy, but its 115am and I have work i need to get up for in about 2 hours so I made it quick. If anyone has any ideas on the "puttering" let me know. I just thought I would throw this problem out and see if anyone had the time or knowledge to give me some insight. I will get the light looked at tomorrow and report back. Thanks a head of time. B
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Welcome to the site! Is the truck overheating at all? If you had a radiator leak, I think if you were in a lot of traffic you'd overheat. Have you checked the sensor itself..sometimes that can go bad.
If this engine is still acting up, I would like to hear more about it. Puttering is what I do best, I putter around the house and garage. :yes:
It only putters if I start the truck and the A/C was left on. The engine does not overheat and there is still radiator fluid left in the reservoir. I was told to pull the spark plugs and check for abnormalities. If there is a plug that looks different from the rest, there might be a problem with the gasket or cylinder head. Going to get the truck read today. I'll report back. Thanks for the replies.
my name is Bob, and I am new to this. I came to this forum because a coworker suggested that I check it out. I have a 2000 ford ranger. My check engine light is doing the same thing - not going out-. Now my truck has been stalling out. The mechanic I have been working with had taken it to some one he knows and has been working on these trucks. He is telling me it is the FLEX FUEL UNIT. My mechanic recommends that I should trade(this is very expensive and is not gaurateed to solve my problem). I am hoping I could hear from others who are having the same issues. I cannot afford to trade because of my finances cannot handle another car payment. Any suggestions anyone PLEASE.
My check enegine light is also always on. When i read the code it told me that it was th eO2 sensor so i replaced it and about an hour afterward the light came on again and has NEVER gone out. i have chalked it up to a bad sensor or some other glitch in the Ranger.
I have and it didnt go out. I wonder if there isnt a problem with the Ranger's ECM?? Obviously i am not the only one with this problem and it seems a lof of people have it and no one can figure it out. Maybe i should try replacing my ECM see of that fixes the problem.
As you look at your engine, under the big hose top left side of the engine, there is a 90 degree intake hose, most likely it is cracked. It is a common problem with the 4.0. Replace that hose, its about a 3/4 in diameter and your lean code will stop