going fishing and catching me some flat heads and blues...
lol yea it was only produced a few years but its great little motor few people have them and 4brl on them and 2.3 head i just wanted to make sure...
lol thats cool its an 84 2nd year it was out so lotta people done for got about this one..but ty u anyways thanks for replying
ty and im glad i joined great how to's and support..do either of ya know much about the 2.0's?
any one have any suggestions on cam on 1984 2.0? buy new stock 2.0 cam or buy a 2.3 cam or just buy a 2.3 head and slap on it
theres still a few cats who have a 2.0 despite the lack of power still great on gas :p
fisha mobile :: 1984 Ford ranger (2012-03-19 02:31:30)
im taking the head off as i post this...should i buy a new cam and lifters and blah blah for the 2.0 or buy a 2.3 cam n lifters and put it in...
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