forum rules apply. as well as if u post a non red ranger it will be deleted from the thread thank u have a beautiful day peeps. limit up to 6 pics only. please put the year, trim, engine, 2wd or 4wd, and the one thing that makes it unique. thanks 2003 FX4 LEVEL II 4.0 4wd. the one thing i have to say is my theme of red and black with no chrome.
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if u please look i have posted the other threads so that all ranger can post freely and share. thank u
I like it too...but 1 problem. Today after it snowed I found the snow packs between the back window and the headache rack
damn straight lol i want to make this forum like the forum i run with two others. a helpful forum with no bull****
Oh another chance to whore out my truck!!!! 2006 Ford Ranger FX4 4.0 4wd 1991 Ford Ranger XLT 2.3 2wd They both have the same color scheme lol