Taxpayer complaining of speed enforcement

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Hooligan, May 11, 2012.

  1. Hooligan

    Hooligan Rangerholic!!

    Last edited: May 11, 2012
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  3. hahahaaha thats great , that is what I call Patroled by aircraft!
  4. OP

    Hooligan Rangerholic!!

    Lol...I wish it could be done that way...less complaints!
  5. but the revenue would stop too hahaha
  6. OP

    Hooligan Rangerholic!!

    thats fine with me...everyone would be scared ****less to speed then
  7. hahaha that would be true, but you know some ass would still speed then we would have this hole in the road lol
  8. OP

    Hooligan Rangerholic!!

    lol...yeah sadly
  9. ZRanger28

    ZRanger28 Got boost?

    Well that would ruin some1's day lol

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