FS: BTF Long Travel for XLT

Discussion in 'Ranger Forum Classifieds' started by doyouquaxu, Mar 19, 2012.

  1. doyouquaxu

    doyouquaxu FUUUUUUUUUUUUU

    EDIT: Please only post in here if you have a legit question about the kit, an offer, etc. none of that GLWS or "I wish I could..." posts.

    Kit is fully fabricated.

    -Spindles are fully fabricated with vertical upper uniball, heimed outer steering, and uses a bolt on snout. Has tabs already to run stock calipers with D-35 hubs (not included)
    -Upper arms are fully boxed with heim inner pivots
    -Lowers use a bushing pivot at the frame and a uniball at the spindle. Lowers have no tabs for shocks to allow any shock combination desired.
    -Includes all heims, uniballs, hardware, steering clevises, misalignment spacers necessary.

    Currently, the spindles are done and in my possession. Upper arms are done and sitting at BTF, lowers are almost done being welded (should be done by the time I start school again the week of the 26th).

    more info and pics of the kits on different trucks here: http://www.dezertrangers.com/vb/garage-fab-area/107367.htm

    Parts currently in my possession:

    Misalignments and inner clevises will be picked up this coming week, I'm waiting on the upper arm misaligns getting machined.

    Asking $3,000.
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2012
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  3. El Camino Man

    El Camino Man Thank The Lord For BBFs!

    I wish youd have GLWS! Lol jus kidding.

    Anyways, This is very interesting. What year Rangers will this fit on?
  4. OP

    doyouquaxu FUUUUUUUUUUUUU

    98+ 2wd coil bucket trucks
  5. El Camino Man

    El Camino Man Thank The Lord For BBFs!

    Aww shucks. Im out

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