New Member, 67, from Tampa Bay Area of Florida
Slow and steady. Aug 22, 2018
- GtarRanger was last seen:
- Aug 22, 2018
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Retired because of being tired of management games, which contributed to severe health issues.
I retired from a job helping people with disabilities obtain employment. The last 4 years of employment for me coincided with emergency heart surgery, the purchase of my 2003 Ford Ranger 4X2--former county vehicle, my son's high school graduation, then his beginning a sound recording and music associates degree. He finished 2 1/2 years later.
Then beginning 2014 I learned I have severe progressive cirrhosis due to over 40 years of a metabolic dysfunction of my liver--not due to alcohol usage. There are associated chronic and acute problems as well. Now it is a daily task to take meds as prescribed and take care of myself so I can spend my remaining years with my lovely spouse and great son. I do not know how long I might have, but I am appreciative for all I have, and all I am trying to accomplish with God's guidance. I am not afraid of dying, but I am very concerned about my family when I transition from this life to glory, by Jesus alone.
I am currently maintaining my family's three vehicles trying to cut cost of taking vehicles to a very good mechanic which I cannot afford. I am learning a lot and am not scared about attempting repairs. I am hoping to do an engine swap from a 6 cylinder 300 engine from my Ranger to a Mustang V-8 with a supercharger one day. We will see how much time I have. If there is something else which I can do to increase horse power and make it competitive, I'll do research on it. If I don't know about some technique to repair things and motor vehicles, I will search and ask questions until I have answers. I you make it through this tomb I thank you. If you have questions please do not hesitate to email me. I will attempt to respond to you. DonInteract