I've recently adopted a 2002 Ranger XLT FX4 from my son who passed away last year. I couldn't part with the truck and once I got it out of storage and drove it a little I immediately decided that this will be my first project vehicle and will never part with it. I really like driving it and I also feel close to him behind the wheel. It is now my daily driver, but it needs some work, so I want to upgrade, modify, get some body work and paint and get it to a point that he'd be really proud of. I can visualize mostly what I want, but not sure how to achieve any of it yet, so this forum will help alot. As I progress the project gradually over the next 2-3 years I will update in the forum and will be happy to share what I learned with anyone interested in considering any of the things I do. I quite like the height of the vehicle in the rear, but the front is too low so I'm assuming I'll need a levelling kit? The stock 31 x 10.5 x 15 aren't bad, but I'm hoping to squeeze a 32 or 33 on a 17 or 18 rim with a little more aggressive stance on a more highway friendly tread. I want to keep the color similar to the stock silver with maybe a bit more black highlights, and I have some rust and a couple dings to deal with. Major stereo upgrade, lights and need some more power while keeping things fairly stock until an eventual engine rebuild at which time I'll dress it up a little. Thinking about a supercharger kit. All I know for now though is that I don't know much. Would welcome any feedback or recommendations. The rubber is the first thing on the agenda, but unfortunately finding the right rim/tire combo is proving more difficult than I thought. All the miles on this truck will be highway/city. Very little offroading. If anyone has tire feedback, especially with pictures it would be much appreciated. I've found a few things online and in the threads, so I'll keep searching and see what I come up with. Thanks for the space to look for ideas and sharing this special project with anyone that may be interested. Take care.
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