Hey Guys, We upgraded our server which should have been a good thing... but during the move we had a serious issue. It's a long story but the short version is we were using some very old software that was out of date and the new server wouldn't support it. We decided to take the opportunity to upgrade our forum software. So this is it, the new and improved Ranger Forum. There are a lot of upgrades that come along with this software but frankly I'm a little under water at this moment getting everything set up. For now, dive in and test it out and post in this thread if you have any issues or questions. Thanks
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Sorry about that... fixed. There are a lot of little tweaks like that. If you see anything else wrong please let me know and I'll look into it.
Ok cool..thanks man!! This new site layout is kinda weird, gonna take some time to get used to.. Also what happend to the Ranger truck on the right upper side??
I'm new to all of this and I'm having some trouble on figuring out how to use it a joined because I wanted to now the best tire and wheel combo to give my 96 ranger some stance
I still gotta work on the header image. It's a different size in this software so I need to edit it. So, what do you not like about the new software? It's different but the old software was about 8 years old and a bit dated.