few updated pics of the Thunderbird

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by djfllmn, Aug 11, 2013.

  1. djfllmn

    djfllmn ^^^ I am Mr. Clean!

    cleaned it this morning and took a few updated pics for you guys






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  3. ZRanger28

    ZRanger28 Got boost?

    Its so clean for being that old. Love it man!

    Colin, E99 F250 7.3 6spd 4" turbo back straight pipe, Autometer boost and Pyro, 340,000 miles
  4. Diablo

    Diablo New Member

    you have not got that front seat fixed yet...wtf
  5. OP

    djfllmn ^^^ I am Mr. Clean!

    ran out of time last winter...the plan is to get it done this winter
  6. OP

    djfllmn ^^^ I am Mr. Clean!

    thanks...yea the interior isnt bad at all but i completely repainted the motor and the paint job is 2 years old...but still it aint bad at all
  7. 08 Ranger Sport 4X4

    08 Ranger Sport 4X4 New Member

    Wow... saw it and jaw hit the floor. Great looking ride! Super clean engine bay too. Looks amazing.
  8. OP

    djfllmn ^^^ I am Mr. Clean!

    Check out my project log..car came a long way in the year I had it...thanks too
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2013

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