I got a used '98 ranger 3.0 last year that had many minor issues but runs great. It failed inspection because the check engine light didn't work at all, and when I fixed it (replaced bulb) it failed emissions because there were bank1 too lean & bank2 too lean codes. I reset them with an ODB reader and they came back. I already searched this forum for suggestions, removed and cleaned the MAF sensor, checked PCV, and tried spraying carb cleaner around the vacuum hoses while it was running to check for leaks. Any other ideas as to what might be wrong? One other thing... the truck always takes 2-3 tries to start when cold. It will turn over fine, and fire, but sputter out before it revs up to fast idle. After the second or third cycle of this it continues fine and runs great without any issues. Once warm it starts up every time. I already got a fix-it ticket and this is driving me crazy.
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Thanks... I should be able to verify this with by spraying carb cleaner around it while running, right? I've never taken the intake off not sure how much of a pain in the ass it is.