Hello, I have a 1994 Ranger Extended cab and I'm having issues with the passenger side seat belt. A couple of my buddies are fairly big dudes and they're complaining that the passenger side belt doesn't extend all the way. My question is a) What might be wrong with the belt and b) How do I get to the seat belt assembly to check it out. It is the two door and does not have the pop out rear windows. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance, Art.
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I am not 100% sure that's why I want to know how to get to it so I can watch what it does when it hits the "end"
Sometimes the belt locking mechanism get dirty and can malfunction but usually once you return the belt to full rest position and then extend it again it will work itself out. Have you tried a little grease on the inside workings to see if it isn’t just in need of lube ? Also, I have seen an extender belts that can work too, (sorry do not remember where) I had to get one so I could take my father with me on breakfast runs; he always complained the belt was too tight.