I got a center console from Troy for my brothers. He upholstered it great plus shipped it out for a great deal! Here is how it was addressed to me lol Here is the new upholstered console Outstanding work!!! Troy really knows his stuff, so if you need work like this, he is the man for it!
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glad you got it and are happy with it! I have a pattern for the lid now, so i may start making them as replacements for the broken ones. oh, please don't call me at the number on the label....while you can get me, that's where i work and like to keep my side business separate from my 9-5 job
the Gacha hours count in game will end tomorrow May 29th, 2014, 7:00 a.m website time. After that, you have 1 week to finish up using your Gacha coins on the website. Thank you for playing & good luck.