OD Problems

Discussion in 'Drivetrain Tech' started by matteyp, Jun 4, 2012.

  1. matteyp

    matteyp New Member

    Just picked up a 89 ford ranger 4x4 2.6 v6 auto. I know theres issues with the OD in these vehicles so I just want some input. My truck for some reason will not go into OD at all. When I start the car I have to pull the shift lever quickly down into drive otherwise its almost like it gets stuck in neutral. If for some reason I dont get the car into drive and the shift lever shifts to OD Im not able to drive the truck in any gear unless I turn it off put it in park and start it again. Is this a major transmission issue or can it be fixed easily? Also the truck isnt worth much but it is nice would this even be worth fixing? Can I drive the truck in Drive on the freeway cuz it seems like the rpms are pretty high when I took on the freeway the other day. Thanks for the input

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  3. OP

    matteyp New Member

    Last edited: Jun 4, 2012
  4. what tranny do you have, on the 5r55e there like 5-6 solenoids on the valve body that can cause problems and a there is a small screen that could also be blocked in the valve body, sounds like at least drop the tranny pan and look at the valve body then new fluid
  5. OP

    matteyp New Member

    The truck is an 89 4x4 xlt auto

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