center console

Discussion in 'Interior' started by skip428, Apr 4, 2012.

  1. skip428

    skip428 New Member

    How do you get the arm rest to come off the bracket that it is connected to because my old one is broken
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  3. klinger86

    klinger86 Moderator

    info on your truck.....
  4. Hooligan

    Hooligan Rangerholic!!

    Yes, info on the truck is a must to get you the right answer and also what type of console it is. There are several out there and several ways to take it apart and fix it up
  5. OP

    skip428 New Member

    I have a 94 Ranger splash
  6. Hooligan

    Hooligan Rangerholic!!

    Ok, bucket seats, 60/40 bench??
  7. OP

    skip428 New Member

    Bucket seats
  8. OP

    skip428 New Member

    This is what it looks like
  9. Hooligan

    Hooligan Rangerholic!!

    Last edited: Apr 5, 2012
  10. Fx4wannabe01

    Fx4wannabe01 New Member

    Sometimes called "shorty consoles", the early ones(up to about '97ish) don't easily remove from the hinge. They're fully upholstered and fully padded. They newer ones (roughly '98 and up) are the upgradable kind. They feature multi-piece design that can be used with the above link to prevent breakage just past the hinge.

    If needed, I have a spare black vinyl armrest in good shape that will allow you to use the ARM100 part on your truck. Shoot me a PM if interested.

    Sidenote: I've had the ARM100 part for about 3 years now and it's amazing!! Only complaint is needing to remove it and tighten up the hinge bolts from time to time(about once a year). I'm going to try some medium locktite to prevent the nylock nuts from backing off and loosening up the hinge bolts. Other than that, probably the best $50 or whatever I've ever spent on the truck.
  11. drppdyllwrngr

    drppdyllwrngr Member

    the kit from rock auto will not work on the arm rest pictured. they are designed differently. the inside of the one pictured is a big, hollow plastic structure that is wrapped in foam. the newer ones have a plastic top, with a plastic bottom.

    i don't think the hinge easily comes off that one. probably would be just as easy to buy a new one. you can get the newer style ones that the rock auto repair kit will work for. it will still bolt in to your console.
  12. OP

    skip428 New Member

    Thanks guys

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