What would you do?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Freemans 00, Feb 26, 2012.

  1. Freemans 00

    Freemans 00 Active Member

    Lately ive been very unpleased with my truck for some strange reason. Now I love my Ranger, but something just gets to me about it. So heres some pictures what would you do if this was your truck?


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  3. illinoisranger

    illinoisranger army strong

    paint your flares black but other than that truck looks great
  4. Hurley

    Hurley Superultramegalurker

    06+ mirrors, ditch the cragars for some eagle alloys and slap on some black magic Hellas instead of the lights you got now
  5. OP
    Freemans 00

    Freemans 00 Active Member

    I just need some new metal put in for a rocker on the driver side. Anyone know where I can have someone weld it in for cheap
  6. If you are willing to take a drive, you can come up and my buddy will do it for you for pretty cheap.
  7. OP
    Freemans 00

    Freemans 00 Active Member

    ill make the drive if its done in 2 days and I can sleep somewhere lol. Ill send you some pictures tomorrow and you can show your buddy ok?
  8. Alright, sounds good. And I'll ask my aunt if you can stay overnight. It could be done in a day, but I don't think you're gonna wanna drive that much haha
  9. OP
    Freemans 00

    Freemans 00 Active Member

    Well Samantha was always a b**** of a girl friend so I think Ill make her run for her money here
  10. Hahahahahaha. Sounds like a plan. We can probably make a meet out of it too lol Go somewhere after it's all done too. Oh, and my bud can paint it as well. So bring some paint with you
  11. OP
    Freemans 00

    Freemans 00 Active Member

    ill bring my bedliner thats what going to get the job done lol. And yeah a meet would be awesome
  12. Fx4wannabe01

    Fx4wannabe01 New Member

    Unpleased? With the way it looks? The way it drives? Elaborate a little bit, please...

    What would I do to the truck, visually? I happen to think it looks pretty well rounded. The all black theme is done tastefully, without going tacky. Little things here and there bug me about it....I'd adjust the driverside wiper one notch downward so it matches the passenger side. Your aux lights have gotta be aimed horribly to an unusuable extreme. Ditch the bugguard. Maybe spray the flares and valence too. Consider putting a 4wd grille on it.

    I've had my truck a long time...she's gone through many stages. I began to hate it a few years back. Something that made me fall back in love with my truck was ditching all the black crap. Turned my truck into a much more attractive to me truck. More well rounded. I'm not telling you to ditch the black stuff everywhere, I'm just sharing words.

    My truck when I began to hate how it looked... Note: my truck is dark blue, not black.
  13. OP
    Freemans 00

    Freemans 00 Active Member

    Visually it bugs me. The offroad lights are no longer mounted. Have to tweek them a bit before putting them back on. Ill take the bug guard off and see how it looks. But I think it may be the year. Its that body style between somewhat new but still old you know?
  14. Fx4wannabe01

    Fx4wannabe01 New Member

    Yep...and there's easy ways around that...

    Just a bumper and some paint away from a big change...


    IE 01-05 bumper and valence swap onto a 4th gen like yours.
  15. OP
    Freemans 00

    Freemans 00 Active Member

    that cost some money there. Ill have to check out some yards and get some peices
  16. Alright man, lemme just get the OK with my aunt and bud, and we'll be good to go
  17. Fx4wannabe01

    Fx4wannabe01 New Member

    IDK if there's one near ya, but Certifit.com has paintable bumpers for about $70 and valences for about $40. Paint, install, huge change for not much out of pocket.

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