Project : (Insert Cool Name Here)

Discussion in 'Ranger Media' started by DangerRanger91, Nov 8, 2011.

  1. OP

    DangerRanger91 FinGer The Crimson Ginger

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  3. OP

    DangerRanger91 FinGer The Crimson Ginger

    These pics are for ben.... Sorry but this is all I took when it was apart. I got to excited to get it done ans forgot to take pics -__-



    If you have any questions just ask and I can answer them the best I can.
  4. OP

    DangerRanger91 FinGer The Crimson Ginger

    Alright will I got everything done and back together hopefully I can wash the truck up and get some better pics of the roof rack...






    My turn signals are red and so is my right brights light.
  5. Demon

    Demon I take no prisoners!

    Awesome so something I have had on the list but to nervous to do it
  6. OP

    DangerRanger91 FinGer The Crimson Ginger

    Honestly its really not that hard to do, just time consuming and be sure to take tons of beofer pics so you know what goes where lol
  7. Demon

    Demon I take no prisoners!

    Time is something i never have any of
  8. Demon

    Demon I take no prisoners!

    TThats y when I did all my paint mods they were at 5 to 6 am in the morning
  9. OP

    DangerRanger91 FinGer The Crimson Ginger

    Excuses... excuses. Just do it. Hopefully this weekend(depending on how lazy I am) I can get my hu out of the 91 and install it in the 06... Also gotta help my friend paint his interior all black!
  10. OP

    DangerRanger91 FinGer The Crimson Ginger

    Also it has rained all day today and no leaks in the roof rack so far... WOOT!
  11. Hurley

    Hurley Superultramegalurker

    Looks really good!
  12. OP

    DangerRanger91 FinGer The Crimson Ginger

    Thanks man!
  13. Demon

    Demon I take no prisoners!

    Oh ill get to it LOL just not soon
  14. Captured Time

    Captured Time watch this and hold on

    :cry:wow no more build :cry:
  15. Demon

    Demon I take no prisoners!

    aww man i just read the whole thing and now i'm balling.
  16. Captured Time

    Captured Time watch this and hold on

    i know man.. i think all of is threads need to be locked so so bs gets into them

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