04 ranger edge 3.0 v6. My center arm rest container thingy is broken and every time i lean on it or move it makes a annoying sound. and it happens more then i want. I was looking around and saw the explorer mod. How exactly would i do this? just what year explorer, do i need to replace the seats, how much modding is required, etc.
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or how about taking the explorer seats and center console out from a junk yard or something and switch it with my ranger? will that work?
The bucket mod is taking the "60" side of your 60/40 bench out then replacing it with a "40" out of another Ranger, thus making a 40/40 seat, a.k.a buckets!
im really lost. so cut out the part of the seat that holds the 3rd person. then what? you have to add more?
no no no lol. Sorry, im a bad explainer. Your 60/40 bench is 2 seats side-by-side. The wide part is the 60 and the narrow part is the 40. You simply take out the wider part of the seat by unbolting it. Then get another 60/40 bench and use the narrow part of the seat and bolt it back in where your wider seat was. Follow me? Theres no cutting and shouldnt be any fabrication. If there is then its simply putting in a few bolts to bolt it down. This should leave a footish wide gap between the two seats
Getting another 40 seat would be much easier if you can find a matching seat. I didn't have that option so I cut the 20% off the driver seat. What cab do you have, standard or extended?
Yea I just saw an article on cutting the 20% out lol. Thatd work too but I think getting another seat would be much easier
Or get another passenger side seat and swap the tracks. The seat pans have holes on both sides. Chk first to see if your seat tracks bolt in. On my 03 they did and it would have been just a matter of swapping tracks.
If you have the fab skills lol. Itd prolly be a PITA. Itd prolly be easier to cut out the 20% like metnioned earlier
yeah thats what i was thinking. do you guys know how much the center console would be with a pair of mirrors?
Back to my first post. The Seat Pans, attached to the bottom of the seats, have holes on both sides to accommodate either track. Easy bolt in, no cutting, no welding... At least on my 03 it worked that way. A lot easier than cutting, welding and re-doing the covering on the driver's seat. Just find a passenger side seat with the color and bolt it on the driver's track.