I'd get some awesome pictures and have a chance to help people out. That's one of my reasons for going out there. I feel horrible for those people and I want to go out and help them rebuild
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My school goes out every year and helps people somewhere. After Katrina, we went to New Orleans for about 4 years afterwards helping rebuild. I always wanted to go but couldnt cuz of work
Yeah, I'd have to save up for gas and all that. Plus, some strobe lights for the truck and some first aid supplies. And ya can't forget food and hotels
so.... i'm talking to this chick who used to be a rockstar girl, and she told me this is her new job.
if his spanish is anywhere near as good as his english, you won't understand anything he says. what rings do they come with?
Just made a thread about this. [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRTx-YOk11Q[/ame] Looks like one of the funnier movies to come out in a long time.
this sounds like a forum thing lol [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzgEi_u9-88&feature=BFa&list=SL&lf=list_related[/ame]
gots to keep the mods on their toes!!! but see, The little pic I could copy and paste of buggmans truck is not the same size as others and that is not a fair way to see a truck. There is a disadvantage to a larger pic than of a thumbnail shot