ok i have never had this happen and aint to sure where to start. when driving down the highway i need to smash down te brakes because the truck infront of me hit a deer. any way i slamed on em hard went and gave a nice hard turn to the right and i felt a thud on the right side. then my peddle went down to the floor. after i was able to stop and delt with the other trck and the cops i drove off to the next exit. when i got out to look at my bck tire the inside of the tire and rim was covred in brake flued. im thinking i blew a line or some thing i have never had the rear drums go out on me like this. i have no ideal where to start on the drums. i know bout the springs and crap lick that but how much of a pain is it to do the drums at home? basicly is this a DIY job to take out the drums and replace? thanx
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Wheel cylinder... Did this in the Kota and the Ranger. I know that for a fact man. It's nothing else lol And no, it ain't too bad to do them. Just make sure you have the adjusters on right and you'll be good.
you probably blew the little cylinder in the drum. i do my drums myself but they are a pain in the ass
thanx yall for the fast feedback i give you **** redranger but you aint to bad dont care what demon says bout you lol so if it is the Wheel cylinder would i need to replace the whole dang drum?
No you shouldn't have to. I just replace my wheel cylinders and they were like 20 or 30 bucks each so not even too expensive. But you may find like I did that when you get down there your brake lines are rusted really bad so I'd check that before you buy parts because you may need to buy some lines too.
x2 they arent that hard.... just make sure you get you some good brake cleaner for when you get them replaced to clean all the brake fluid off of the drum.... oh and i would go ahead and replace those shoes while i was at it just so i wouldnt have to soon after already having it tore down.... oh and if you were closer i'd show you how to replace them.....
You definitely shouldn't have to. Just take it all apart lol And you were actually serious with all that?! Lmao
Oh lol It's cool either way man haha. But yeah, bout them drums... You can do it yourself. And if you weren't so damn far away, I'd come give you a hand lol I must've pulled my drums apart about a dozen times within last month lol
is this what yall taliking bout? http://shop.advanceautoparts.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/product__5640067-P_232_K%7CGRPBRHYAMS____
Yeah mine we're rusty and leaking so I went ahead and replaced them. Just checked and they were actually only 20 a piece. As I recall that was at carquest.
i got nothing but time i do thank yall for the help and it looks like i will do tare down in the morning
and a easy way to bleed them when you get them done is to open the bleeders and lower the rear of your truck lower than the master cylinder and let gravity bleed them for you.... just make sure you work the bleeders around a little to make sure you get all the little air bubbles out....
If it's just yourself, do what Klinger was saying... It's easier lol If you have two people, you may want to pump em up and have someone else bleed em out.